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February 29-March 2, 2024 

on-site at the Little River Casino Resort in Manistee, MI

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Native American Critical Issues
54th Annual Conference 

Thank you for attending!

The 2024 theme:

Honoring All of Our Relations

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We hope you enjoyed the 2024 conference

From our position in time, we look back and say miigwech to our ancestors who sacrificed so much that we might enjoy mino-bimaadiz—the good life. We look forward and strive to make the world a better place for subsequent seventh generations. We look around us in all directions and acknowledge that we are part of a spiritual ecology that requires our adherence to long held principles regarding our relationships with each other and more than human relatives. We are reminded that ceremony is necessary to mark new beginnings as we commit to healing Mother Earth and in this way we honor all of our relations.  

Hote Info

Conference Art 

Thank you to our conference art contributions from multiple artists! 


Lennon Hernandez-Wolcott 

  • crane, blueberries, and cattails

Martin Reinhardt, Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians 

  • turtle shell and land/air elements 

Thank you to our Conference Sponsors

link to little river band website
Link to MSU Center of Regen Ag Website
Link to Sault Tribe Webiste
Link to MILES Website
Link to LTBB Website

Become a 2024 Sponsor!
Details here >


"Thank you for providing this opportunity to learn and grow."

Attendee, 2021 Virtual Conference

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